While you are thinking about changing out your summer clothes and replacing them for fall and winter, don’t neglect your beautiful tresses. Yes, it is time to change it up for your hair, too!

  • Switch to a new shampoo. That bottle you’ve been using for the summer is not going to work the same on dry, winter hair. Choose a quality product that will repair and protect your locks.
  • Wash your hair less. Shampooing will wash out the bad stuff, but it also washes out the good.  We’re talking about the protective oils that your hair needs to keep its strength and shine. If you want to freshen up, consider using one of those wonderful products that you rub or spray in to absorb a bit of the oil and make your hair smell nice and clean in between washings.
  • Deep condition. Deep condition those ends to get volume and lift.
  • Use a leave-in conditioner with your heat tools. This will help keep your hair in tip-top shape during the cold months.
  • Dry your hair carefully. Rubbing  your hair with a towel to dry it can actually cause breakage and make your hair appear dull and dry.
  • Pay attention to what you are eating. What you eat nourishes your body, including your hair! Eating right and drinking lots or water really will show.