Plucking, waxing, or shaving unwanted body hair can be frustrating and time-consuming. It can irritate your skin as well as cause bumps, redness, in-grown hairs, and even acne. Laser hair removal is a safe, effective alternative for removing unwanted hair, leaving your skin silky smooth and healthy looking for weeks on end. Read on to understand the basics and to find out if you’re a good candidate.
What is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is a relatively painless, non-invasive procedure that concentrates light on the hair follicle of the treated area. The laser light is absorbed by the pigment or color in the hair follicle and damages it at the root, preventing the hair from growing back. The results will vary by client depending on skin type, hair color, and the treatment area; however, most people notice a change in hair growth after the first few weeks.
Who is a good candidate?
Although the procedure can be performed on almost anyone, the ideal candidates for are clients with dark hair and fair skin. This enables the laser to concentrate light on the pigment within the follicle without having to compete for pigment in the skin. Clients who have darker skin tones or tans have more melanin on the upper layers of the skin, which can absorb light. Therefore, it’s advisable to begin with a less aggressive treatment that uses lower energy levels and spot tests to avoid adverse reactions. Clients with blond, white, or gray hair, unfortunately, aren’t good candidates as they lack the pigment necessary for the treatment. So, if you’re planning for gray hair in the future, don’t wait to have the procedure. Schedule an appointment today!
What can you expect?
Since laser is only effective at certain stages of active hair growth, laser hair removal usually requires 6 separate treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart depending on the body area, skin coloring, and hair type. The best areas are lower legs, underarms, and bikini lines. Areas of the face, including the chin and upper lip, are more challenging because the hair is much finer and not as easy to remove. It’s important to remember this is not a “one size fits all” solution. A consultation with a licensed laser technician at Belladerm MedSpa can determine if the procedure is right for you. We’ll customize a treatment plan based on your needs and desired results.
How long will it last?
Results will vary but typically laser hair removal results in the thinning of the hair and an 80 percent reduction in growth. For some clients, the results are permanent. However, most require yearly maintenance.
Let Belladerm MedSpa help you look and feel your best. Call today to schedule your FREE consultation with one of our certified laser technicians and ask about our BOGO laser hair removal packages – buy any hair removal package and get the second package of equal or lesser value free!