Warm weather is here and we’re no longer able to cover up our love handles with bulky sweaters like we could in the colder months. Many men and women struggle to fight off the last 5-20 lbs on the way to their goal. We have some quick answers to common questions for people fighting the fat war, but first—we can’t wait to announce a new service we will be offering at Belladerm in July!

CoolSculpting is the proven non-surgical fat reduction treatment that delivers undeniable results. It’s FDA-cleared, safe and backed by clinical
testing. You can lose that stubborn fat without special diets, surgery, supplements or downtime. We know you’re going to love this new service!
How does it work? CoolSculpting is a breakthrough, non-invasive procedure that uses cooling technology to noticeably eliminate fat without surgery. Using a technology developed by Harvard scientists, CoolSculpting targets and freezes fat cells causing their natural death in the treatment area. It’s completely non-invasive so there is no cutting, no needles and no anesthesia. Patients typically read, work on their laptops, listen to music or relax during the procedure. Stay tuned for more information and a feature article in our July newsletter.
Now, on to those tips for battling the bulge:
Solo or with a Diet Buddy?
Getting support from a diet buddy, especially one you live with, helps you soldier on when you’d rather skip your daily walk and eat a double cheeseburger and fries instead.
Help for Emotional Eaters?
If you ARE getting support from someone else who is dieting, alert your buddy when you feel a binge coming on. If possible, take a short walk or a bike ride together to take the focus away from food.
Make a list of non-food related activities to do together or alone when you have the urge to drown your sorrows in food.

To Weigh or Not to Weigh?
Is it a good idea to weigh yourself every day when you are on a diet? It turns out that daily weighing may benefit your waistline. Researchers at the University of Minnesota monitored the weigh-in habits of about 1,800 dieting adults and found that those who stepped on the scale every day lost an average of 12 pounds over two years, while weekly scale watchers lost only six. Daily weigh-ins also meant dieters were less likely to regain lost weight.
It Just Isn’t Fair!
Losing weight is often a slower process for women then for men, making daily weigh-ins frustrating for women who have male diet partners. To avoid tension with your partner, try to avoid comparing your weight loss pound for pound and really concentrate on how clothes are fitting and how you feel, rather than just what the scale reads.